changelog / website updates

hello! i'm gearing up for some website updates, and also to work on my site more in general, so i figured it would be good to keep receipts on where new things are added or updated, considering my site's kind of labyrinthine layout. i don't want to change the layout itself, i like it like it is... anyway:

recent changes:

2021/02/08: updated links page again, as well as the description at the top of my portfolio. also a brand new entry in the illustration/concept section of the portfolio!

2021/12/18: new links page for links to patreon etc.

2021/3/14: yet another new page in the misc section, as well as a page for my work with dossier magazine and for leon's return to bird world.

2021/3/13: added recent Solipse work to assorted albums, as well as a new page in the misc section of my portfolio.

2021/3/10: created changelog.

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